Importance of Vitamins and Minerals After Bariatric Surgery

Importance of Vitamins and Minerals After Bariatric Surgery

Alex Brecher
Most bariatric surgery patients are required to take vitamins and minerals after bariatric surgery. With everything else you have to do after surge...
Top 5 Supplements for Bariatric Patients

Top 5 Supplements for Bariatric Patients

Alex Brecher
Experts say that bariatric surgery patients should take vitamins. And that’s not just for a few weeks. It’s for life! Here’s what to know about bar...
How Long Do I Need to Take Vitamins After Weight Loss Surgery?

How Long Do I Need to Take Vitamins After Weight Loss Surgery?

Alex Brecher
Your surgeon or dietitian may have asked you to take bariatric vitamins after weight loss surgery. How long do you need to take them for? The recom...
ASMBS Bariatric Vitamin Guidelines and Easy Ways to Get What You Need

ASMBS Bariatric Vitamin Guidelines and Easy Ways to Get What You Need

Alex Brecher
Are you working hard to get in enough protein and water after bariatric surgery? Great job! Now, those nutrients are critical, but so are a few oth...
Why Do Most Bariatric Surgery Patients Lose Their Hair?

Why Do Most Bariatric Surgery Patients Lose Their Hair?

Alex Brecher
A common side effect of bariatric surgery is thinning of hair. Over half of patients lose a noticeable amount of hair after weight loss surgery, an...
Different Types of Vitamins

Different Types of Vitamins

Alex Brecher
Getting enough vitamins and minerals can prevent deficiencies and reduce the risk for problems such as iron-deficiency anemia, weakened bones, or ...
Stocking Up for Flu Season

Stocking Up for Flu Season

Alex Brecher
As Americans focus on ever-increasing numbers of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, it is important not to lose sight of another infectious dise...
Vitamin and Mineral Supplement Tips: A Vital Part of Post-Bariatric Surgery Health

Vitamin and Mineral Supplement Tips: A Vital Part of Post-Bariatric Surgery Health

Alex Brecher
Bariatric surgery is about weight loss, but it is about so much more. It is about gaining a healthier life through goal weight and beyond, and tha...
BariatricPal Vitamin Packs for Optimal Nutrition

BariatricPal Vitamin Packs for Optimal Nutrition

Alex Brecher
This time of year, the focus tends to be on making sure the holidays are not too detrimental to weight loss plans. That is certainly an important ...
French Vanilla Caramel Calcium Chews

French Vanilla Caramel Calcium Chews

Alex Brecher
Getting bariatric surgery and losing weight can improve health in so many ways, but weight loss and a restricted diet can put you at risk for calc...
BariBursts Watermelon Calcium Chews

BariBursts Watermelon Calcium Chews

Alex Brecher
Your body needs certain vitamins and minerals to survive and thrive, but certain nutrients can be in short supply after weight loss surgery and an...
Sleep Better to Feel Better

Sleep Better to Feel Better

Alex Brecher
Sleep…who couldn’t use more of it? Telltale signs of needing more sleep are an overwhelming desire to shut off your alarm clock and stay in bed, a ...