Enjoying Pumpkin Spice Lattes the Low-Carb Weight Loss Way

Enjoying Pumpkin Spice Lattes the Low-Carb Weight Loss Way

Alex Brecher
Fall is in full swing. That can only mean one thing: pumpkin spice coffee beverages. Over 30,000 coffee shops in the US are offering seasonal bever...
How to Survive the Liquid Stage After Bariatric Surgery

How to Survive the Liquid Stage After Bariatric Surgery

Alex Brecher
Congratulations on your weight loss surgery. Now what? First up in the recovery process is the liquid stage, in which you can only drink liquids a...
BariatricPal Portion Control Plate

BariatricPal Portion Control Plate

Alex Brecher
How much easier would weight loss be if you did not have to think about it so much? What if you had a plate that told you what to eat at each meal?...
Eat Clean with JiMMY! Bars

Eat Clean with JiMMY! Bars

Kimberly Hembree
Protein bars are one of the best snacks and meal replacement ideas after bariatric surgery. They provide a quick source of protein to help you stay...
Swap Unhealthy Potato Chips for Protein Potato Chips!

Swap Unhealthy Potato Chips for Protein Potato Chips!

Kimberly Hembree
Potato chips are one of my all-time favorite snacks. However, we all know how unhealthy they are. As bariatric patients, the last thing we need is the unnecessary carbs and fat found in potato chips. When I found the Healthwise Protein Potato Chips I was so excited. Could I really enjoy potato chips without all the guilt? Well, it’s true! 
Bariatric Friendly Cinnamon Fall Treat

Bariatric Friendly Cinnamon Fall Treat

Kimberly Hembree
Are you a cinnamon fan? Now is the time of year where pumpkin and cinnamon flavors and scents are everywhere. If you are looking for treats to help...
Snack Idea after Bariatric Surgery: Chocolate & Caramel Protein Granola

Snack Idea after Bariatric Surgery: Chocolate & Caramel Protein Granola

Kimberly Hembree
I am a snack person! This is not always the best thing after weight loss surgery because it can be easy for us to get off track. I am constantly looking for snacks that won’t break me. I work a lot which means I am not always the best about eating nutritious meals. It is important for me that I find foods that I can easily take on the go that will help me hit my goals for the day.

Happy Labor Day from The BariatricPal Store!

Alex Brecher
Happy Labor Day from The BariatricPal Store! We hope you get the chance to enjoy a little extra leisure time this holiday weekend, whether you spe...

Mushies Boring? No Way!

Alex Brecher
When you’re on a liquid diet, there’s nothing more exciting than the thought of progressing to “mushies,” or pureed foods. And those first tastes ...

Fiber: Your Key to Weight Loss?

Alex Brecher
What if there were a nutrient that helped keep you full, guided you to making better food choices, and made weight loss easier? Well…there is! Fib...

Happy Fourth – Now Plan Your Own Independence!

Alex Brecher
Happy Fourth of July! Independence Day is for parades, concerts, baseball games, fireworks…and weight loss! Wait – what does weight loss have to d...

Get Your Weight Loss Back on Track the Easy Way with BariatricPal

Alex Brecher
We’ve all been there, done that. Going off your weight loss plan can creep up on you. You might start with a few bites of dessert, get in some ext...