Relax before the Holidays to Lose More Weight

Relax before the Holidays to Lose More Weight

Abegail Fernandez
By now, the holiday season is well underway. For too many of us, the season brings not only joy, but also stress. You can experience stress from p...
Quest Beyond Cereal Protein Bars have arrived!

Quest Beyond Cereal Protein Bars have arrived!

Abegail Fernandez
Quest Beyond Cereal Protein Bars have arrived at the BariatricPal Store! Regular cereal is made from grains. Quest BEYOND cereal is made from pro...
Honey Nut Cereal: Protein in a Crunchy Package

Honey Nut Cereal: Protein in a Crunchy Package

Abegail Fernandez
Cereal may have been the go-to snack or breakfast for you in the past, but it can quickly become an obstacle to weight loss. If you are avoiding c...

Favorite Fall Comfort Foods

Alex Brecher
It’s time to get weight loss into gear, but sticking to your strict diet is not always that easy in the fall. As the days get cooler and the night...

New Products to Make Weight Loss Easier Every Day

Alex Brecher
Name the major barriers to sticking to your weight loss diet, and there is a good chance The BariatricPal Store can help. Portion control? Most of...

How Your Diet Can Survive Your Social Life

Alex Brecher
As you work to lose weight and eat healthy, social events can seem challenging. Since so much socializing seems to revolve around less-than-health...

What Should I Eat to Lose Weight? How to Get Started

Alex Brecher
Okay, so you are committed to losing weight and keeping it off. You know you need to eat right, and you are ready to do it. But then you run into ...

Mushies Boring? No Way!

Alex Brecher
When you’re on a liquid diet, there’s nothing more exciting than the thought of progressing to “mushies,” or pureed foods. And those first tastes ...

Weight Loss Breakfast or Brunch for a Summer Morning

Alex Brecher
All too often, breakfast gets shoved aside. At worst, you run out the door without eating. If you believe breakfast is the most important meal of ...

Support Energy and Weight Loss with Small, Frequent Meals – Here’s How

Alex Brecher
Are you trying to lose weight and prevent regain? If you’re the type to skip breakfast, grab an apple for lunch, and chow down at dinner, you’re n...

Boost Your Metabolism Naturally – Part 2

Alex Brecher
Are you ready for more easy and effective ways to burn more calories all day? These tricks will help you lose more weight and keep it off once you...

Keep Your “Diet” from Being a “Diet”

Alex Brecher
Diets don’t work. Long-lasting changes do. Sure, you can lose a few pounds or a lot of weight by following a crash or fad diet. And if you’re a we...