Snack List for Your Low-Carb Super Bowl Party at The BariatricPal Store

Snack List for Your Low-Carb Super Bowl Party at The BariatricPal Store

Alex Brecher
Super Bowl LIV is on Sunday, and that can only mean one thing: healthy treats! Well, it is true that there are other possibilities, but there is a...
National Guacamole Day and What to Dip for Weight Loss

National Guacamole Day and What to Dip for Weight Loss

Alex Brecher
Today is National Guacamole Day, so get ready for parties and weight loss! That is right! Avocados are high in healthy fats, low in carbs, high in...
Fabulous Finds for a Healthy Father’s Day

Fabulous Finds for a Healthy Father’s Day

Alex Brecher
Father’s Day is this Sunday, June 16. Dad deserves to eat what he loves, but he also deserves to be healthy. The BariatricPal Store has great-tast...
Protein Puffs: New Weight Loss Snack

Protein Puffs: New Weight Loss Snack

Alex Brecher
Another great snack is here. It meets all of our taste, nutritional, and convenience requirements for greatness. Without further ado, The Bariatri...
Super Bowl Party Central

Super Bowl Party Central

Alex Brecher
The Big Game is on Sunday. It is the second-biggest eating day of the year (after Thanksgiving, if you’re wondering). That can only mean one thing...
Intakt Cheese Snacks for an Intact Diet

Intakt Cheese Snacks for an Intact Diet

Alex Brecher
Crunchy snacks and weight loss can often be at odds, not to mention that processed salty snacks can have too much starch (tortilla chips and pretz...
Independence Day Party Snacks

Independence Day Party Snacks

Alex Brecher
For July 4, a casual cookout or picnic is the norm, and that can mean tons of snacks. Chips, cookies, and other grab-and-go snacks can be disastro...
Proti Chips: The Weight Loss Snack That Could Make the Difference

Proti Chips: The Weight Loss Snack That Could Make the Difference

Alex Brecher
Here’s a crunchy dilemma: should you give up chips, or should you stay true to your weight loss diet? Wait – there’s no dilemma here! Eat your chi...
Greasy Foods Made Over for Weight Loss

Greasy Foods Made Over for Weight Loss

Abegail Fernandez
  Greasy foods are oh, so delicious, and oh, so bad for you. You may be able to put the out of your mind most days, but sometimes the urge sneaks...
Cave into Cravings Part 1: Creamy and Crunchy

Cave into Cravings Part 1: Creamy and Crunchy

Abegail Fernandez
  Cravings can wreck your diet because they strike hard and are usually not for healthy foods, but a craving does not have to be your ruin. Just ...
Ingredients for Satisfaction and Weight Loss in Pizza Protein Potato Chips

Ingredients for Satisfaction and Weight Loss in Pizza Protein Potato Chips

Abegail Fernandez
What makes weight loss so hard? It can be hunger pangs, feelings of deprivation, and the need to prepare complicated diet foods. The BariatricPal S...

March Madness: Party Chips and Dip at The BariatricPal Store!

Abegail Fernandez
 March Madness is a special time of year. Die-hard college basketball fans and college alumni alike get caught up in the unpredictable thrills th...