Bariatric-Friendly Halloween Treats

Bariatric-Friendly Halloween Treats

Alex Brecher
What is the best, worst, and pretty much only thing about Halloween? Candy! Well, sure, costumes and decorations are around, too, but most of us th...
Asher’s Sugar-Free Chocolate Bars and Patties

Asher’s Sugar-Free Chocolate Bars and Patties

Alex Brecher
Chocolate is sure to be on the mind as Valentine’s Day approaches, but what if you are on a health kick or weight loss diet and extra sugar is out...
Protein Bars and Shakes for a Weight Loss-Style Valentine’s Day

Protein Bars and Shakes for a Weight Loss-Style Valentine’s Day

Alex Brecher
Valentine’s Day can mean a day with candy, brunch, and a romantic dinner, but it does not always. These are not possible for you if you are on a l...
Stock Up on Sugar-Free Candy for Valentine’s Day

Stock Up on Sugar-Free Candy for Valentine’s Day

Alex Brecher
Candy can be everywhere on Valentine’s Day and the days leading up to it. Having a piece here and there for a couple of weeks can leave you feelin...
Smartcakes for Smart Weight Loss

Smartcakes for Smart Weight Loss

Alex Brecher
Admit it. How often have you gone to the fridge or pantry to search for that elusive, low-calorie dessert? A couple of times a week? Several times...
Protein Bars for Holiday Season Weight Loss

Protein Bars for Holiday Season Weight Loss

Alex Brecher
Christmas is less than two weeks away, and New Year’s follows in another week. The holiday season is in full swing, and so is the holiday eating s...
Choc o Lot Protein Bars for a Healthy Halloween Treat

Choc o Lot Protein Bars for a Healthy Halloween Treat

Alex Brecher
What does Halloween mean to you? Chocolate? Sugar? Weight gain? At The BariatricPal Store, Halloween means chocolate, but no guilt. Boy, have we e...
BariatricPal Mug Cakes on National Dessert Day

BariatricPal Mug Cakes on National Dessert Day

Alex Brecher
October 14 marks National Dessert Day, and surprise! The BariatricPal Store has plenty of desserts that can fit into any weight loss diet. Bariatr...
Don’t Let the Pounds Creep on This Halloween

Don’t Let the Pounds Creep on This Halloween

Alex Brecher
Halloween is coming. What will that mean for you? Will you be tricked into sugar highs and weeks of regret? Or will you treat yourself to a modera...
Built Bar Protein and Energy Bar for Weight Loss Support

Built Bar Protein and Energy Bar for Weight Loss Support

Alex Brecher
What do you do when you are starving, you need protein, and you cannot afford to take in extra sugar or carbohydrates? The BariatricPal Store has a...
Keto Wheyfer Bars for Great-Tasting Satisfaction

Keto Wheyfer Bars for Great-Tasting Satisfaction

Alex Brecher
Following a keto diet can be a challenge, to say the least. Even if you do manage to figure out which foods are allowed, and how to get enough fat...
Gourmet Pumpkin Seeds for Natural Protein

Gourmet Pumpkin Seeds for Natural Protein

Alex Brecher
On high-protein weight loss diet, any delicious, high-protein food is welcome, especially when it tastes great and is ready to use. Even better is...