Muscle Cheff High Protein Iced Coffee

Muscle Cheff High Protein Iced Coffee

Alex Brecher
Iced coffee is refreshing, energizing, and dependable, but is it okay on a low-carb or high-protein diet after bariatric surgery? It is if you choo...
Enjoying Coffee without the Heartburn

Enjoying Coffee without the Heartburn

Alex Brecher
Coffee is practically an essential part of life. There may be that first cup of coffee in the morning that lets you wake up enough to greet the da...
Fat Burning L-Carnitine & Vitamin B Sugar-Free Coffee by Muscle Cheff

Fat Burning L-Carnitine & Vitamin B Sugar-Free Coffee by Muscle Cheff

Alex Brecher
Take your morning cuppa joe to the next level with Sugar-Free Coffee by Muscle Cheff! It has the energizing caffeine boost and familiar coffee tas...
Acid-Free Coffee for a Smoother Drink

Acid-Free Coffee for a Smoother Drink

Alex Brecher
Do you live for coffee? Is your entire day better when you can wake up with a steaming cuppa joe, work throughout the morning with a mug on your d...
Keto Wheyfer Bars for Great-Tasting Satisfaction

Keto Wheyfer Bars for Great-Tasting Satisfaction

Alex Brecher
Following a keto diet can be a challenge, to say the least. Even if you do manage to figure out which foods are allowed, and how to get enough fat...
Coffee for Post Bariatric Surgery and Beyond

Coffee for Post Bariatric Surgery and Beyond

Alex Brecher
That perfect cup of coffee may seem like a luxury, but does your daily cup fit into your diet? A flavored or blended coffee drink can have too man...
Protein One for Great-Tasting Weight Loss and Nutrition

Protein One for Great-Tasting Weight Loss and Nutrition

Alex Brecher
Everyone could use a helping hand. The one we have today can help you lose weight, stay nourished, fight hunger, and save time. It comes in the fo...
Our Holiday Gift to You: Our Faves

Our Holiday Gift to You: Our Faves

Alex Brecher
The BariatricPal Store is here to help you achieve your weight loss goals. We are always flattered when you ask us for our opinions on the best pr...
Bariatric Friendly Cinnamon Fall Treat

Bariatric Friendly Cinnamon Fall Treat

Kimberly Hembree
Are you a cinnamon fan? Now is the time of year where pumpkin and cinnamon flavors and scents are everywhere. If you are looking for treats to help...
Unbelievably Amazing Coffee Creamers at The BariatricPal Store

Unbelievably Amazing Coffee Creamers at The BariatricPal Store

Alex Brecher
You may depend on coffee to get you going and keep you going, but is it also helping you lose weight? Keep your coffee from adding pounds and get ...