Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolution

Sticking to Your New Year's Resolution

Alex Brecher
Happy New Year! Many of us are happy to say good-bye to 2020 and are ready to see what 2021 has in store. For one thing, there are high hopes that...
Box of the Month as a Gift

Box of the Month as a Gift

Veronica Hernandez
Do you have a friend or family member who had or is scheduled to have weight loss surgery? Are you looking for a holiday gift, or do you need a wa...
Holiday Gift Guide: Keto Gift Giving Guide

Holiday Gift Guide: Keto Gift Giving Guide

Alex Brecher
Holiday gift giving is always important for making connections and showing love, but it could be even more important this year as human contact ha...
Healthier Thanksgiving Celebration

Healthier Thanksgiving Celebration

Alex Brecher
Thanksgiving is around the corner, and it may take longer to plan than usual because things are different this year. For one thing, you may be a f...
Protein Bars for Holiday Season Weight Loss

Protein Bars for Holiday Season Weight Loss

Alex Brecher
Christmas is less than two weeks away, and New Year’s follows in another week. The holiday season is in full swing, and so is the holiday eating s...
Don’t Let the Pounds Creep on This Halloween

Don’t Let the Pounds Creep on This Halloween

Alex Brecher
Halloween is coming. What will that mean for you? Will you be tricked into sugar highs and weeks of regret? Or will you treat yourself to a modera...
Glazed Doughnuts for Weight Loss at The BariatricPal Store

Glazed Doughnuts for Weight Loss at The BariatricPal Store

Alex Brecher
Today is another great day for weight loss: it is National Glazed Doughnut Day. Can’t you just smell those freshly baked doughnuts? Can’t you imag...
Last-Minute Holiday Help from The BariatricPal Store

Last-Minute Holiday Help from The BariatricPal Store

Alex Brecher
There’s “getting late” on a few things, and there is “last-minute” on everything. The BariatricPal Store is ready to help you when you’re desperat...
Last-Minute Gift: BariatricPal Box of the Month Club

Last-Minute Gift: BariatricPal Box of the Month Club

Alex Brecher
Do you need a last-minute gift? Do you know someone who is looking for a last-minute gift for you? A gift that keeps giving is always nice to give...
Time-Out from Holiday Stress, Weight Loss Included

Time-Out from Holiday Stress, Weight Loss Included

Alex Brecher
'Tis the season. ‘Tis the season to be jolly, to spread holiday cheer, to buy and wrap gifts, to attend holiday programs, and to continue family t...
Our Holiday Gift to You: Our Faves

Our Holiday Gift to You: Our Faves

Alex Brecher
The BariatricPal Store is here to help you achieve your weight loss goals. We are always flattered when you ask us for our opinions on the best pr...
Holiday Cheer with No Weight Gain Fear

Holiday Cheer with No Weight Gain Fear

Alex Brecher
The holiday season is in full force. That means…it’s time to lose weight! Well, it also means it is time to eat great. Christmas cookies, cranberr...