Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolution

Sticking to Your New Year's Resolution

Alex Brecher
Happy New Year! Many of us are happy to say good-bye to 2020 and are ready to see what 2021 has in store. For one thing, there are high hopes that...
Holiday Gift Guide: Keto Gift Giving Guide

Holiday Gift Guide: Keto Gift Giving Guide

Alex Brecher
Holiday gift giving is always important for making connections and showing love, but it could be even more important this year as human contact ha...
Healthier Thanksgiving Celebration

Healthier Thanksgiving Celebration

Alex Brecher
Thanksgiving is around the corner, and it may take longer to plan than usual because things are different this year. For one thing, you may be a f...
Store Gift Card for the Holidays

Store Gift Card for the Holidays

Alex Brecher
The BariatricPal Store is always looking for ways to make weight loss easier and more fun, and a BariatricPal Gift Card is about as good as it get...
Thanksgiving Turkey Jerky to Save the Day

Thanksgiving Turkey Jerky to Save the Day

Alex Brecher
It is natural to crave Thanksgiving flavors if you have grown up with the tradition or have adopted it into your lifestyle. The problem is usually ...
Protein Chips for a Healthy Labor Day

Protein Chips for a Healthy Labor Day

Alex Brecher
Whatever else Labor Day may hold for you, we can almost bet on two things. The first is that food will probably be involved. The second is that yo...
Fun and Healthy Cinco de Mayo Recipes

Fun and Healthy Cinco de Mayo Recipes

Alex Brecher
FUN CINCO DE MAYO RECIPES TO HELP YOU STAY HEALTHY! BariatricPal Peach Mango Cooler 1 pkg. BariatricPal Peach Mango Fruit Drink 6 oz. Diet Lemon-l...
St. Patrick’s Day Weight Loss Wonders

St. Patrick’s Day Weight Loss Wonders

Alex Brecher
Today is St. Patrick’s Day, and, Irish or not, you might as well celebrate with weight loss and good cheer. Bacon and Bread for Breakfast The l...
Holiday Hurrahs – Weight Loss Included!

Holiday Hurrahs – Weight Loss Included!

Abegail Fernandez
Heading into Christmas weekend, you cannot help but feel the holiday cheer in the air, even if you do not celebrate Christmas. After watching your...
Weight Loss Gift List – Edibles and More

Weight Loss Gift List – Edibles and More

Abegail Fernandez
If you were to describe the perfect gift, it might be fun, a little useful, and a little decadent. Go a step further to describe a dream gift, and...
Weight Loss Gift List – The Non-Food Edition

Weight Loss Gift List – The Non-Food Edition

Abegail Fernandez
As you put together your gift list, remember to include few things that will help you lose weight. It is not all about the food. The following gif...
’Tis the Season for Festive Flavors

'Tis the Season for Festive Flavors

Abegail Fernandez
  Holiday shopping and holiday eating can add up to extra stress and extra pounds…but it doesn’t have to! Shop at The BariatricPal Store and you ...