Staying Hydrated This Summer

Staying Hydrated This Summer

Alex Brecher
With warm temperatures, outdoors fun, and an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruit in season, summer is a great time for weight loss. As you pla...
The Importance of Water After Weight Loss Surgery

The Importance of Water After Weight Loss Surgery

Alex Brecher
Water may be the most important nutrient. Your body is made up of nearly 70% water, and you can survive for only about 3 days without water. Water...
Acid-Free Coffee for a Smoother Drink

Acid-Free Coffee for a Smoother Drink

Alex Brecher
Do you live for coffee? Is your entire day better when you can wake up with a steaming cuppa joe, work throughout the morning with a mug on your d...
Spring Break Must-Haves

Spring Break Must-Haves

Alex Brecher
Spring is here, and spring break is around the corner for many families. While spring break may be a chance to cut loose and relax, there is no ne...
Protein Soups and Drinks for Warmth and Weight Loss

Protein Soups and Drinks for Warmth and Weight Loss

Alex Brecher
Your body and soul may be craving warm foods as the briskness of autumn progresses to cold winter days and nights. Creamy soups and flavored coffe...
Easier Hydration for Health and Weight Loss

Easier Hydration for Health and Weight Loss

Alex Brecher
Here’s a question for you: What raises metabolism, increases energy, and is calorie-free? What staves off headaches and fights fatigue? What is ava...
Water Enhancers for Hydration and Weight Loss

Water Enhancers for Hydration and Weight Loss

Alex Brecher
Protein meals and snacks can help you reach your goals, and there is something else that can keep you healthy and satisfied: staying hydrated. Wat...
To Your Health in 2018!

To Your Health in 2018!

Alex Brecher
Happy New Year from The BariatricPal Store! We want it to be your best yet, and for you to hit your weight loss goals. To help, we do not just hav...
End 2017 with a Bang – Easy Hydration Tips!

End 2017 with a Bang – Easy Hydration Tips!

Alex Brecher
Water helps you feel full so it’s easier to lose weight, plus it helps you feel energized and allows your body to flush toxins. Everyone should ge...