Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolution

Sticking to Your New Year's Resolution

Alex Brecher
Happy New Year! Many of us are happy to say good-bye to 2020 and are ready to see what 2021 has in store. For one thing, there are high hopes that...
Six Ways The BariatricPal Store Helps You Lose Weight

Six Ways The BariatricPal Store Helps You Lose Weight

Alex Brecher
Are you among the half of Americans who want to lose weight this year? It’s a tall order, judging from the number who do not hit their goals. It i...
To Your Health in 2018!

To Your Health in 2018!

Alex Brecher
Happy New Year from The BariatricPal Store! We want it to be your best yet, and for you to hit your weight loss goals. To help, we do not just hav...