New Year’s Resolutions to Increase Weight Loss

New Year’s Resolutions to Increase Weight Loss

Alex Brecher
It is almost time to ring in the New Year. Whether or not you make formal New Year’s resolutions, it is still a good chance to reflect on the past ...
Getting Ready for the New Year at The BariatricPal Store

Getting Ready for the New Year at The BariatricPal Store

Alex Brecher
Now that Christmas is behind us, it is nearly time to breathe a sigh of relief that the holidays are over, and that it is time to get back to norm...
Guilt-Free Thanksgiving Leftovers

Guilt-Free Thanksgiving Leftovers

Alex Brecher
Thanksgiving weekend, Friday through Sunday, seem like the ideal time to get back on track if Thanksgiving was a little excessive. However, after ...
Weight Loss in a Box: Are You Ready?

Weight Loss in a Box: Are You Ready?

Alex Brecher
Picture this. You open your door to find a box. It is discreetly packaged so nobody else knows what it is, and its contents include all kinds of d...
Yumbox Lunch Boxes for Back-to-School Weight Loss

Yumbox Lunch Boxes for Back-to-School Weight Loss

Alex Brecher
As summer draws to a close and school is starting in many parts of the country, it is a good time to think about weight loss, especially at lunch....
Protein ONE Iced Coffee for a Weight Loss Meal

Protein ONE Iced Coffee for a Weight Loss Meal

Alex Brecher
What are you having for breakfast? What about lunch, dinner, and snacks? Have you thought through your entire menu for the next few days? Quick, g...
Paleo Wraps for Weight Loss

Paleo Wraps for Weight Loss

Alex Brecher
Life is about compromises. When it comes to weight loss, for example, you need to compromise great taste and satisfaction for diet-friendly. Wait ...
Avocados: Your Secret Weight Loss Tool

Avocados: Your Secret Weight Loss Tool

Alex Brecher
Avocados are delicious and high in fat and calories. That rarely adds up to a good weight loss food, but this time is different. People who eat av...
Spring Break Must-Haves

Spring Break Must-Haves

Alex Brecher
Spring is here, and spring break is around the corner for many families. While spring break may be a chance to cut loose and relax, there is no ne...
Sugar-Free Chocolate for All Tastes

Sugar-Free Chocolate for All Tastes

Alex Brecher
Chocolate versus weight loss. Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, crispy chocolate, chocolate with peanut butter, chocolate with caramel…versus weight...
Calling Peanut Butter Lovers: Time to Lose Weight!

Calling Peanut Butter Lovers: Time to Lose Weight!

Alex Brecher
March 1 marks National Peanut Butter Lovers Day, and The BariatricPal Store is quite the fan! We have Peanut Butter selections of every descriptio...
Skinny Foods for Valentine’s Day

Skinny Foods for Valentine’s Day

Alex Brecher
The typical Valentine’s Day foods can present a paradox. The very treats used to celebrate this day of love can make you feel bloated and sluggish...