OBVI - Obvious Choice for Great-Tasting Collagen, Fat Burners, and More

OBVI - Obvious Choice for Great-Tasting Collagen, Fat Burners, and More

Alex Brecher
What does “OBVI” mean to you? To us, it means the “obvious” choice. It is the obvious choice for a protein supplement with extra collagen and other...
Top Summer Snacks - Diet and Bariatric Friendly

Top Summer Snacks - Diet and Bariatric Friendly

Alex Brecher
Hurray for Summer 2021! This year looks a lot more normal than last year’s summer. It can be a great opportunity to lose weight as you get back to ...
Best Products to Stock up on for Bariatric Surgery

Best Products to Stock up on for Bariatric Surgery

Alex Brecher
Congratulations on planning for bariatric surgery! As you think about getting ready for this life-changing procedure, you are best thinking about w...
Why Am I Not Losing Weight After Weight Loss Surgery?

Why Am I Not Losing Weight After Weight Loss Surgery?

Alex Brecher
The weeks or months after weight loss surgery can lead to tremendous weight loss. It can be motivating and lead to enormous gains in health and ene...
Top Fruit Drinks and Smoothies for Post WLS

Top Fruit Drinks and Smoothies for Post WLS

Alex Brecher
A low-carb, high-protein diet is standard after weight loss surgery, and that makes it nearly impossible to fit in many fruits and fruit juices due...
What Is a Pouch Reset Diet?

What Is a Pouch Reset Diet?

Alex Brecher
Have you experienced weight regain after you successfully lost weight following weight loss surgery? It is certainly common, and unbelievably frus...
Getting Back on Track after Weight Gain

Getting Back on Track after Weight Gain

Alex Brecher
Regaining weight after losing a lot is common. It is unbelievably frustrating to watch the scale go up again after working so hard to get it down,...
Desserts You Can Enjoy While Losing Weight

Desserts You Can Enjoy While Losing Weight

Alex Brecher
If you are losing weight, dessert is off the menu...or is it? Most desserts are packed with sugar, fat, starch, and/or calories, but the Bariatric...
Meal and Snack Prep and Planning for Weight Loss Success

Meal and Snack Prep and Planning for Weight Loss Success

Alex Brecher
Are you busy or on the go all of the time? Sometimes it can feel as though there is no time for weight loss because when hunger strikes, there are...
2-Week Weight Loss Kick Start Sampler Package

2-Week Weight Loss Kick Start Sampler Package

Alex Brecher
Ready, set, lose! A 2-week weight loss plan can get you on your way or back on track if a few bad habits have crept back in. But how do you get st...
Setting Yourself Up for Weight Loss Success

Setting Yourself Up for Weight Loss Success

Alex Brecher
Desire to lose weight and knowledge about what to eat go a long way, but they may not be enough for weight loss success,  Quick and Easy Meals Hav...
Eating Healthier Instead of Dieting

Eating Healthier Instead of Dieting

Alex Brecher
Diets don’t work. A diet can help you lose weight, but probably not for too long. That’s because “dieting” can mean feeling deprived of your favor...