Store Gift Card for the Holidays

Store Gift Card for the Holidays

Alex Brecher
The BariatricPal Store is always looking for ways to make weight loss easier and more fun, and a BariatricPal Gift Card is about as good as it get...
Protein Parfaits for Weight Loss

Protein Parfaits for Weight Loss

Alex Brecher
Parfaits have so much going for them. They are elegant yet easy to prepare, perfectly portion-able, great-tasting, and packed with different flavo...
Guilt-Free Thanksgiving Leftovers

Guilt-Free Thanksgiving Leftovers

Alex Brecher
Thanksgiving weekend, Friday through Sunday, seem like the ideal time to get back on track if Thanksgiving was a little excessive. However, after ...
BariatricPal Vitamin Packs for Optimal Nutrition

BariatricPal Vitamin Packs for Optimal Nutrition

Alex Brecher
This time of year, the focus tends to be on making sure the holidays are not too detrimental to weight loss plans. That is certainly an important ...
Warming Protein Entrees for Cool Nights

Warming Protein Entrees for Cool Nights

Alex Brecher
On Sunday morning, Daylight Savings Time ended and Standard Time returned for most of the country. That means it will now be good and dark at dinn...
Choc o Lot Protein Bars for a Healthy Halloween Treat

Choc o Lot Protein Bars for a Healthy Halloween Treat

Alex Brecher
What does Halloween mean to you? Chocolate? Sugar? Weight gain? At The BariatricPal Store, Halloween means chocolate, but no guilt. Boy, have we e...
BariatricPal Mug Cakes on National Dessert Day

BariatricPal Mug Cakes on National Dessert Day

Alex Brecher
October 14 marks National Dessert Day, and surprise! The BariatricPal Store has plenty of desserts that can fit into any weight loss diet. Bariatr...
Great Protein Entrees for Weight Loss on National Vegetarian Day

Great Protein Entrees for Weight Loss on National Vegetarian Day

Alex Brecher
Today marks National Vegetarian Day, and it is a great opportunity to get all kinds of benefits. It can be healthy to cut back on animal fats and ...
Chocolate Cereal for Satisfying Weight Loss

Chocolate Cereal for Satisfying Weight Loss

Alex Brecher
Following a bariatric surgery or any weight loss diet can be challenging for so many reasons. It can leave you feeling hungry, cut out your favori...
Keto Pops for Weight Loss Help

Keto Pops for Weight Loss Help

Alex Brecher
Can a keto diet help you lose weight? Are you allowed to have any sweet treats on it? A keto diet is an increasingly popular weight loss strategy,...
Lose Weight on National Cheese Pizza Day

Lose Weight on National Cheese Pizza Day

Alex Brecher
Today marks National Cheese Pizza Day, but take a second before you dive into a pie with 200 to 400 calories per slice. There are plenty of high-p...
Yumbox Lunch Boxes for Back-to-School Weight Loss

Yumbox Lunch Boxes for Back-to-School Weight Loss

Alex Brecher
As summer draws to a close and school is starting in many parts of the country, it is a good time to think about weight loss, especially at lunch....