- Anti-Aging
- Antioxidant
- Appetite Suppressant
- B12 Energy Plus
- Bagels
- Baking Mix
- BBQ Sauce
- Bread
- Breakfast
- Brownie
- Cake
- Cake Mix
- Cakes & Cookies
- Calcium
- Candies
- Cereal
- Cheese Snacks
- Chocolate Bar
- Cocktail Mix
- Coffee
- Coffee Creamer
- Collagen
- Condiments
- Cookies
- Cracker
- Dinnerware
- Dip
- Dipping Sauce
- Energy Drink
- Energy Powder
- Entrees
- Fiber
- Fiber Drinks
- Fruit Drinks
- Fruit Jam & Jellie
- Gelatin
- Glucosamine & Chondroitin
- Granola
- Hearts Of Palm Pasta
- Hot Chocolate
- Hot Drinks
- Hydration Tablets
- Iced Tea
- Iron
- Iron Support
- Joint & Bone Support
- Kelp Noodles
- Ketchup
- Keto Bar
- Keto Cookies
- Keto Snacks
- Ketogenic
- Liquid Protein
- Liquid Vitamins
- Lunch Box
- Mashed Potatoes
- Mayo
- Meal Replacement
- Meat Bars
- Meat Snack
- Meat Sticks
- Meat Strips
- Metabolism Booster
- Mints
- Muffin Mix
- Muffins
- Mug Cake Mix
- Multivitamins
- Oatmeal
- Omelet
- Pancake Mix
- Pasta
- Pasta Sauce
- Peanut Butter
- Pork Rinds
- Portion Control
- Powdered Peanut Butter
- Pretzels
- Probiotic
- Protein Bar
- Protein Bars
- Protein Bread
- Protein Buns
- Protein Chips
- Protein Coffee
- Protein Cookies
- Protein Donuts
- Protein Drinks
- Protein Packets
- Protein Powder Tubs
- Protein Puddings
- Protein Puffs
- Protein Shakes
- Protein Shots
- Protein Smoothies
- Protein Snack Mix
- Protein Snacks
- Ready To Drink
- Ready To Shake
- Salad Dressing
- Sauce
- Seafood Sauce
- Seed Snacks
- Sipping Broth
- Soups
- Spreads
- Sweetener
- Syrup
- Tea
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin Pack
- Vitamin Patch
- Wafers
- Waffles
- Whey Protein
- Nunbelievable
- 4C
- Alex's Low Acid Coffee
- Alpha Prime Supplements
- AshaPops
- Asher's Chocolate
- Asher’s Chocolate
- Baja Bob's
- Bantastic
- Bariatric Advantage
- Bariatric Eating
- BariatricPal
- BariWare
- Bell Plantation
- Brala's
- Bubba's Fine Foods
- Carba-Nada
- Carbonaut
- Catalina Crunch
- Chike
- Chike Nutrition
- Chomps
- Click
- Crisp Power
- Elite Sweets
- Epic
- FlapJacked
- G Hughes
- Genius Gourmet
- Global Health Products
- HealthSmart Foods
- HighKey Snacks
- I Love Chamoy
- Immi
- Inspire Protein Kitchen
- IQBar
- Keto Wise
- Kudo
- Legendary Foods
- Lillie's Q
- LiquaCel
- Llorens Pharma
- Medtrition
- Moon Cheese
- Munchy Crunchy
- Natural Heaven
- Nunbelievable
- Nutritional Designs Inc
- OvaEasy
- PatchAid
- Play Hydrated
- Pork King Good
- ProCare Health
- Proteinex
- Proti Diet
- Quest Nutrition
- Rip Van
- RSVP Skinnies
- Rule1
- Sea Tangle Noodle Company
- Shameless Snacks
- Simply Snackin'
- SkinnyDipped
- SmartSweets
- Snackever
- Stevita Naturals
- Sukker & Sweet
- SuperSeedz
- Syntrax
- ThinSlim Foods
- Vidafuel
- Walden Farms
- Wellesse
- Wellth Foods
- Wilde Chips
- Caramel
- Cheese
- Mocha
- Peanut
- Alfredo
- Almond Butter Chip
- Amazin
- Apple
- Apple Butter
- Apple Cinnamon
- Apricot
- Asian
- Bacon & Cheese
- Bacon Ranch
- Balsamic Vinaigrette
- Banana
- Banana Caramel
- Banana Nut
- Barbecue
- Basil Fettuccine
- BBQ Sauce
- Beef
- Beef Apple Bacon
- Beef Vegetable
- Belgian Chocolate Caramel
- Berry
- Birthday Cake
- Bleu Cheese
- Blue Raspberry
- Blueberry
- Blueberry Muffin
- Bolognese
- Broccoli
- Brown Sugar Cinnamon
- Caesar
- California Strawberry
- Cappuccino
- Caramel
- Caramel Chocolate
- Caramel Macchiato
- caramel pecan
- Caramel Sea Salt
- Caribbean
- Cheddar
- Cheese
- Cheesecake
- Cheesesteak
- Cherry
- Chicken
- Chicken Noodle
- Chicken Pasta
- Chicken Sesame BBQ
- Chicken Sriracha
- Chili
- Chili & Lime
- Chili Lime
- Chillin' Chipotle
- Chipotle
- Chipotle Ranch
- Chocolate
- Chocolate Almond
- Chocolate Brownie
- Chocolate Caramel
- Chocolate Chip
- Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
- Chocolate Dream
- Chocolate Fudge
- Chocolate Mint
- Chocolate Peanut Blast
- Chocolate Peanut Butter
- Chocolate Sea Salt
- Chocolate Vanilla
- Cinnamon
- Cinnamon & Sugar
- Cinnamon Apple
- Cinnamon Roll
- Cinnamon Spice
- Cinnamon Toast
- Cinnamon Vanilla
- Citrus
- Classic
- Coco Joe
- Cocoa
- Cocomint
- Coconut
- Coffee
- Coleslaw
- Cookie
- Cookies & Cream
- Cookies and Cream
- Cool Raspberry
- Cracked Pepper
- Cran Grape
- Cranberry
- Cranberry Grape
- Cranberry Lemon
- Creamy Bacon
- Creamy Caramel
- Creamy Italian
- Creamy Peanut Butter Chocolate
- Crisp Apple
- Crystal Sky
- Curry Spice
- Dark Chocolate
- Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel
- Dark Cocoa
- Delight Pho
- Dill
- Dinner Mint
- Double Chocolate
- Double Chocolate Chip
- Double Chocolate Chunk
- Dulce de Leche
- Dutch Caramel & Vanilla
- Egg Fettuccine
- Egg Pappardelle
- Everything
- French Vanilla
- French Vanilla Caramel
- Fruit
- Fruit Punch
- Fudge Brownie
- Fudge Graham
- Fuzzy Navel
- Garlic
- Garlic and Herb
- Garlic Parmesan
- Ginger
- Gingerbread
- Gouda
- Grape
- Grapefruit
- Green Apple
- Green Tea
- Hazelnut Cocoa
- Hickory BBQ
- Hickory Smoked
- Himalayan Sea Salt
- Honey
- Honey and Oats
- Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette
- Honey Dijon
- Honey Graham
- Honey Mustard
- Honey Nut
- Honey Vanilla
- Ice Shot
- Iced Latte
- Italian
- Jalapeno
- Jersey Sweet Onion
- Ketchup
- Key Lime
- Lemon
- Lemon Blueberry
- Lemon Blueberry Tart
- Lemon Cake
- Lemon Cream
- Lemon Drop
- Lemon Lime
- Lemon Pepper
- Lemonade
- Lemongrass
- Lime
- Mango
- Maple
- Maple Brown
- Maple & Sea Salt
- Maple Brown Sugar
- Maple Cinnamon Crunch
- Maple Waffle
- Maple Walnut
- Margarita
- Marshmallow
- Matcha
- Mediterranean
- Mediterranean Frittata
- Melon
- Mesquite BBQ
- Milk Chocolate
- Milk Chocolate Vanilla Marshmallow
- Mint
- Mint Chocolate
- Mint Cocoa
- Mixed Berry
- Mocha
- Mocha Mint
- Mudslide
- Mushroom
- New York Cheesecake
- Oatmeal
- Orange
- Orange Cream
- Orange Marmalade
- Original
- Pancake
- Peach
- Peach Mango
- Peaches & Cream
- Peanut
- Peanut and Caramel
- Peanut Butter
- Peanut Butter & Jelly
- Peanut Butter Chip
- Peanut Butter Chocolate
- Peanut Butter Cup
- Peanut Pretzel
- Pear
- Pecan
- Pecan Sandy
- Pepper
- Pineapple
- Pineapple Mango
- Pineapple Orange
- Pistachio
- Pizza
- Piña Colada
- Plain
- Pomegranate
- Pumpkin
- Ranch
- Raspberry
- Really Naked
- Red Velvet
- Rich Cocoa
- Roasted Garlic
- Rockin' Ranch
- Rocky Road
- Rye
- S'mores
- Salmon Maple
- Salt & Vinegar
- Salted Caramel
- Salty Sweet
- Sausage Seasoning
- Sea Salt
- Sea Salt & Caramel
- Sea Salt & Pepper
- Seafood
- Sesame
- Sesame Ginger
- Smoky Facon
- Smores
- Snickerdoodle
- Somewhat Spicy
- Sour Cream
- Sourdough
- South Western
- SouthWest
- Spearmint
- Spicy
- Spicy Nacho Cheese
- Spicy Sweet Chili
- Strawberry
- Strawberry Banana
- strawberry cheesecake
- Strawberry Cream
- Strawberry Kiwi
- Strawberry Vanilla
- Sweet Fish
- Szechuan
- Taco
- Taro
- Thanksgiving
- Thick Spicy
- Thousand Island
- Tomato
- Tomato & Basil
- Tomato Italiano
- Tortilla
- Triple Chocolate
- Tropical Banana
- Tropical Fruit
- Tropical Orange
- Turkey
- Turmeric Garlic
- Unflavored
- Vanilla
- Vanilla Chocolate
- Vanilla Creme
- Vanilla Peanut
- Variety Pack
- Vegan Cheese
- Vegetable
- Vegetable Cheese
- Venison
- Watermelon
- White Cheddar
- White Chocolate
- Wild Blueberry
- Wild Grape
- Zesty Italian
(262 products)
Variety and Sampler Packs
Everyone loves variety and sampler packs, and they’re even better when they help you lose weight! Look through our selection of variety and sampler packs when you can’t decide which of our delicious flavors to order. No matter what you choose, you can be sure it’ll be filled with great-tasting high-protein weight loss products.
- Anti-Aging
- Antioxidant
- Appetite Suppressant
- B12 Energy Plus
- Bagels
- Baking Mix
- BBQ Sauce
- Bread
- Breakfast
- Brownie
- Cake
- Cake Mix
- Cakes & Cookies
- Calcium
- Candies
- Cereal
- Cheese Snacks
- Chocolate Bar
- Cocktail Mix
- Coffee
- Coffee Creamer
- Collagen
- Condiments
- Cookies
- Cracker
- Dinnerware
- Dip
- Dipping Sauce
- Energy Drink
- Energy Powder
- Entrees
- Fiber
- Fiber Drinks
- Fruit Drinks
- Fruit Jam & Jellie
- Gelatin
- Glucosamine & Chondroitin
- Granola
- Hearts Of Palm Pasta
- Hot Chocolate
- Hot Drinks
- Hydration Tablets
- Iced Tea
- Iron
- Iron Support
- Joint & Bone Support
- Kelp Noodles
- Ketchup
- Keto Bar
- Keto Cookies
- Keto Snacks
- Ketogenic
- Liquid Protein
- Liquid Vitamins
- Lunch Box
- Mashed Potatoes
- Mayo
- Meal Replacement
- Meat Bars
- Meat Snack
- Meat Sticks
- Meat Strips
- Metabolism Booster
- Mints
- Muffin Mix
- Muffins
- Mug Cake Mix
- Multivitamins
- Oatmeal
- Omelet
- Pancake Mix
- Pasta
- Pasta Sauce
- Peanut Butter
- Pork Rinds
- Portion Control
- Powdered Peanut Butter
- Pretzels
- Probiotic
- Protein Bar
- Protein Bars
- Protein Bread
- Protein Buns
- Protein Chips
- Protein Coffee
- Protein Cookies
- Protein Donuts
- Protein Drinks
- Protein Packets
- Protein Powder Tubs
- Protein Puddings
- Protein Puffs
- Protein Shakes
- Protein Shots
- Protein Smoothies
- Protein Snack Mix
- Protein Snacks
- Ready To Drink
- Ready To Shake
- Salad Dressing
- Sauce
- Seafood Sauce
- Seed Snacks
- Sipping Broth
- Soups
- Spreads
- Sweetener
- Syrup
- Tea
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin Pack
- Vitamin Patch
- Wafers
- Waffles
- Whey Protein
- Nunbelievable
- 4C
- Alex's Low Acid Coffee
- Alpha Prime Supplements
- AshaPops
- Asher's Chocolate
- Asher’s Chocolate
- Baja Bob's
- Bantastic
- Bariatric Advantage
- Bariatric Eating
- BariatricPal
- BariWare
- Bell Plantation
- Brala's
- Bubba's Fine Foods
- Carba-Nada
- Carbonaut
- Catalina Crunch
- Chike
- Chike Nutrition
- Chomps
- Click
- Crisp Power
- Elite Sweets
- Epic
- FlapJacked
- G Hughes
- Genius Gourmet
- Global Health Products
- HealthSmart Foods
- HighKey Snacks
- I Love Chamoy
- Immi
- Inspire Protein Kitchen
- IQBar
- Keto Wise
- Kudo
- Legendary Foods
- Lillie's Q
- LiquaCel
- Llorens Pharma
- Medtrition
- Moon Cheese
- Munchy Crunchy
- Natural Heaven
- Nunbelievable
- Nutritional Designs Inc
- OvaEasy
- PatchAid
- Play Hydrated
- Pork King Good
- ProCare Health
- Proteinex
- Proti Diet
- Quest Nutrition
- Rip Van
- RSVP Skinnies
- Rule1
- Sea Tangle Noodle Company
- Shameless Snacks
- Simply Snackin'
- SkinnyDipped
- SmartSweets
- Snackever
- Stevita Naturals
- Sukker & Sweet
- SuperSeedz
- Syntrax
- ThinSlim Foods
- Vidafuel
- Walden Farms
- Wellesse
- Wellth Foods
- Wilde Chips
- Caramel
- Cheese
- Mocha
- Peanut
- Alfredo
- Almond Butter Chip
- Amazin
- Apple
- Apple Butter
- Apple Cinnamon
- Apricot
- Asian
- Bacon & Cheese
- Bacon Ranch
- Balsamic Vinaigrette
- Banana
- Banana Caramel
- Banana Nut
- Barbecue
- Basil Fettuccine
- BBQ Sauce
- Beef
- Beef Apple Bacon
- Beef Vegetable
- Belgian Chocolate Caramel
- Berry
- Birthday Cake
- Bleu Cheese
- Blue Raspberry
- Blueberry
- Blueberry Muffin
- Bolognese
- Broccoli
- Brown Sugar Cinnamon
- Caesar
- California Strawberry
- Cappuccino
- Caramel
- Caramel Chocolate
- Caramel Macchiato
- caramel pecan
- Caramel Sea Salt
- Caribbean
- Cheddar
- Cheese
- Cheesecake
- Cheesesteak
- Cherry
- Chicken
- Chicken Noodle
- Chicken Pasta
- Chicken Sesame BBQ
- Chicken Sriracha
- Chili
- Chili & Lime
- Chili Lime
- Chillin' Chipotle
- Chipotle
- Chipotle Ranch
- Chocolate
- Chocolate Almond
- Chocolate Brownie
- Chocolate Caramel
- Chocolate Chip
- Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
- Chocolate Dream
- Chocolate Fudge
- Chocolate Mint
- Chocolate Peanut Blast
- Chocolate Peanut Butter
- Chocolate Sea Salt
- Chocolate Vanilla
- Cinnamon
- Cinnamon & Sugar
- Cinnamon Apple
- Cinnamon Roll
- Cinnamon Spice
- Cinnamon Toast
- Cinnamon Vanilla
- Citrus
- Classic
- Coco Joe
- Cocoa
- Cocomint
- Coconut
- Coffee
- Coleslaw
- Cookie
- Cookies & Cream
- Cookies and Cream
- Cool Raspberry
- Cracked Pepper
- Cran Grape
- Cranberry
- Cranberry Grape
- Cranberry Lemon
- Creamy Bacon
- Creamy Caramel
- Creamy Italian
- Creamy Peanut Butter Chocolate
- Crisp Apple
- Crystal Sky
- Curry Spice
- Dark Chocolate
- Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel
- Dark Cocoa
- Delight Pho
- Dill
- Dinner Mint
- Double Chocolate
- Double Chocolate Chip
- Double Chocolate Chunk
- Dulce de Leche
- Dutch Caramel & Vanilla
- Egg Fettuccine
- Egg Pappardelle
- Everything
- French Vanilla
- French Vanilla Caramel
- Fruit
- Fruit Punch
- Fudge Brownie
- Fudge Graham
- Fuzzy Navel
- Garlic
- Garlic and Herb
- Garlic Parmesan
- Ginger
- Gingerbread
- Gouda
- Grape
- Grapefruit
- Green Apple
- Green Tea
- Hazelnut Cocoa
- Hickory BBQ
- Hickory Smoked
- Himalayan Sea Salt
- Honey
- Honey and Oats
- Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette
- Honey Dijon
- Honey Graham
- Honey Mustard
- Honey Nut
- Honey Vanilla
- Ice Shot
- Iced Latte
- Italian
- Jalapeno
- Jersey Sweet Onion
- Ketchup
- Key Lime
- Lemon
- Lemon Blueberry
- Lemon Blueberry Tart
- Lemon Cake
- Lemon Cream
- Lemon Drop
- Lemon Lime
- Lemon Pepper
- Lemonade
- Lemongrass
- Lime
- Mango
- Maple
- Maple Brown
- Maple & Sea Salt
- Maple Brown Sugar
- Maple Cinnamon Crunch
- Maple Waffle
- Maple Walnut
- Margarita
- Marshmallow
- Matcha
- Mediterranean
- Mediterranean Frittata
- Melon
- Mesquite BBQ
- Milk Chocolate
- Milk Chocolate Vanilla Marshmallow
- Mint
- Mint Chocolate
- Mint Cocoa
- Mixed Berry
- Mocha
- Mocha Mint
- Mudslide
- Mushroom
- New York Cheesecake
- Oatmeal
- Orange
- Orange Cream
- Orange Marmalade
- Original
- Pancake
- Peach
- Peach Mango
- Peaches & Cream
- Peanut
- Peanut and Caramel
- Peanut Butter
- Peanut Butter & Jelly
- Peanut Butter Chip
- Peanut Butter Chocolate
- Peanut Butter Cup
- Peanut Pretzel
- Pear
- Pecan
- Pecan Sandy
- Pepper
- Pineapple
- Pineapple Mango
- Pineapple Orange
- Pistachio
- Pizza
- Piña Colada
- Plain
- Pomegranate
- Pumpkin
- Ranch
- Raspberry
- Really Naked
- Red Velvet
- Rich Cocoa
- Roasted Garlic
- Rockin' Ranch
- Rocky Road
- Rye
- S'mores
- Salmon Maple
- Salt & Vinegar
- Salted Caramel
- Salty Sweet
- Sausage Seasoning
- Sea Salt
- Sea Salt & Caramel
- Sea Salt & Pepper
- Seafood
- Sesame
- Sesame Ginger
- Smoky Facon
- Smores
- Snickerdoodle
- Somewhat Spicy
- Sour Cream
- Sourdough
- South Western
- SouthWest
- Spearmint
- Spicy
- Spicy Nacho Cheese
- Spicy Sweet Chili
- Strawberry
- Strawberry Banana
- strawberry cheesecake
- Strawberry Cream
- Strawberry Kiwi
- Strawberry Vanilla
- Sweet Fish
- Szechuan
- Taco
- Taro
- Thanksgiving
- Thick Spicy
- Thousand Island
- Tomato
- Tomato & Basil
- Tomato Italiano
- Tortilla
- Triple Chocolate
- Tropical Banana
- Tropical Fruit
- Tropical Orange
- Turkey
- Turmeric Garlic
- Unflavored
- Vanilla
- Vanilla Chocolate
- Vanilla Creme
- Vanilla Peanut
- Variety Pack
- Vegan Cheese
- Vegetable
- Vegetable Cheese
- Venison
- Watermelon
- White Cheddar
- White Chocolate
- Wild Blueberry
- Wild Grape
- Zesty Italian
"Love the fact that I get everything I need in just one pill and I get such wonderful service from BariatricPal. Once a year my supply comes and I never have to think about it. This site is such a huge help!"
"I am a die-hard marshmallow lover, though I swore off them after surgery. These, in small doses are the ultimate treat for me!!! My 5 year old granddaughter even chose these over regular marshmallows at our last bonfire, to my conflicted reaction of joy and dismay (MY marshmallows!). Thank you for the option."
“I have used the 24/7 patches for 30 days and I feel the difference. I feel like Im getting my nutrients now through the patches and food becomes fuel rather than survival. Well worth it! My next order will be to set up the recurring order.”
"I think these are better than the toaster pastries I grew up eating for breakfast. The filling is similar but not as sweet, and you microwave them instead. They're a great high protein alternative!
“After having bariatric surgery, I struggled to find a protein powder that I truly enjoyed—until I tried Cafe Bella! I have this ever single day. I don’t have to go to any expensive coffee shop for an iced coffee or frozen coffee treat, I just make my own! Please don’t even think about retiring this awesome flavor!"
"I'm so happy with these protein shots! It's the perfect size for me to be able to up my protein on the go, and I can fit them in my small purses. I like all of the flavors I've tried but the apple is my favorite so far.
“I have acid reflux and this coffee has helped in allowing me to drink coffee and not have an acid reflux symptoms. The coffee is excellent in regards to flavor and taste!”
"Love the fact that I get everything I need in just one pill and I get such wonderful service from BariatricPal. Once a year my supply comes and I never have to think about it. This site is such a huge help!"
"I am a die-hard marshmallow lover, though I swore off them after surgery. These, in small doses are the ultimate treat for me!!! My 5 year old granddaughter even chose these over regular marshmallows at our last bonfire, to my conflicted reaction of joy and dismay (MY marshmallows!). Thank you for the option."
“I have used the 24/7 patches for 30 days and I feel the difference. I feel like Im getting my nutrients now through the patches and food becomes fuel rather than survival. Well worth it! My next order will be to set up the recurring order.”
"I think these are better than the toaster pastries I grew up eating for breakfast. The filling is similar but not as sweet, and you microwave them instead. They're a great high protein alternative!
“After having bariatric surgery, I struggled to find a protein powder that I truly enjoyed—until I tried Cafe Bella! I have this ever single day. I don’t have to go to any expensive coffee shop for an iced coffee or frozen coffee treat, I just make my own! Please don’t even think about retiring this awesome flavor!"
"I'm so happy with these protein shots! It's the perfect size for me to be able to up my protein on the go, and I can fit them in my small purses. I like all of the flavors I've tried but the apple is my favorite so far.
“I have acid reflux and this coffee has helped in allowing me to drink coffee and not have an acid reflux symptoms. The coffee is excellent in regards to flavor and taste!”
"Love the fact that I get everything I need in just one pill and I get such wonderful service from BariatricPal. Once a year my supply comes and I never have to think about it. This site is such a huge help!"
"I am a die-hard marshmallow lover, though I swore off them after surgery. These, in small doses are the ultimate treat for me!!! My 5 year old granddaughter even chose these over regular marshmallows at our last bonfire, to my conflicted reaction of joy and dismay (MY marshmallows!). Thank you for the option."