Health Garden

Health Garden

Alex Brecher

Foods on weight loss diets can start to seem bland, so it would be nice to be able to add condiments to inject flavor. However, so many condiments are high in sugar and carbohydrates, making them impossible to fit in responsibly. 

Health Garden Sugar-Free Honey and Sugar-Free Ketchup are different. They let you bump up the flavor and pleasure, without putting you over on sugar or carbs. This is how they compare to regular honey and ketchup, and how you might be able to fit them into your healthy meal plan.

Nutrition in Ketchup and Honey

Each tablespoon in ketchup has 4 grams of sugar. That may not seem like much, but what happens when you drown those sweet potato fries or that burger in ketchup? You may be getting more than 10 grams of sugar and close to 50 calories just from ketchup!

Many people think of honey as a healthy alternative to sugar or even as a health food, but keep in mind that it does have 17 grams of sugar per tablespoon. Its possible antimicrobial benefits are likely to be outweighed by its effects on blood sugar and weight.

Health Garden Ketchup and Honey are completely sugar-free. They are instead made with the sweetener xylitol. The Ketchup has 10 calories per tablespoon, and Honey has 30 calories per tablespoon, or only half the amount as regular honey. They are sweetened with all-natural xylitol.

Uses for Sugar-Free Honey

Life can have sweet touches again with Sugar-Free Honey. It is a great topping for oatmeal, apples, yogurt, and Protein Pancakes. You can stir it into tea, or drizzle it onto a peanut butter sandwich on Zero Carb bread.

These are some other ideas for adding sweetness with Sugar-Free Honey.

  • On grilled peaches with ricotta and toasted almonds.
  • To make glazed carrots.
  • Roasted with cinnamon and olive oil on butternut squash.
  • Roasted with Dijon mustard and olive oil on brussels sprouts or cauliflower.
  • With soy sauce, ginger, green onion, and rice wine vinegar on salmon.
  • Tossed with sliced almonds, sunflower seeds, and oats, and toasted to make granola.

Each jar of Health Garden’s Birch Xylitol Sugar-Free Honey has 20 1-tablespoon servings.

Uses for Sugar-Free Ketchup

Who in the United States does not have a long list of foods they love to eat with ketchup? French fries may not be on the menu if you are on a low-carb or low-calorie weight loss diet, but baked zucchini fries and baked avocado sticks taste great in ketchup. Ketchup is also perfect for a veggie or turkey burger on a whole-wheat bun, wrapped in lettuce, or on no bun. Ketchup is also a favorite for breakfast with any kind of eggs.

If you want to cook, ketchup is a key ingredient in:

  • Meatloaf using turkey burger, with extra spinach, mushrooms, or grated carrots for more nutrients.
  • Barbecue sauce, which can be used on chicken for a scrumptious meal.
  • Sweet and sour chicken made with whole-wheat panko or Pork Cloud Panko to stay on your diet.

Each bottle of Health Garden’s Sugar-Free Xylitol Tomato Ketchup has 24 1-tablespoon servings.

Health Garden Sugar-Free Honey and Ketchup are just two of the low-carb condiments that the BariatricPal Store has in stock. Others include Calorie-Free Mayo and Barbecue Sauce, Sugar-Free Steak Sauces and Marinades, and Calorie-Free Coffee Creamers. Life can be delicious without being unhealthy!

Health gardenHoneyKetchupSugar free