Tools for Accurate Measurement and Better Weight Loss

Tools for Accurate Measurement and Better Weight Loss

Abegail Fernandez

There are plenty of secrets to weight loss. One of them is measurement. “Guesstimate” your food portions, protein intake, and body weight wrong, and you might be disappointed in your results. Measure accurately, and you cannot help but get the weight loss results you deserve and expect. Here are some tools you can find to help you at The BariatricPal Store.

Body Scales

It’s hard to stay motivated when you are not even sure if your scale is telling you your correct weight. Keep guessing out of the equation when you select from our range of Body Scales with accuracy to within 0.1kg (0.2lb). Our smart scales can synch with favorite health and weight loss apps for easier tracking. Other features to check for are extra wide scales, high weight capacity scales, and measurements of body fat, body protein, bone mass, and muscle.

Food Scales

Weighing your food is the way to make servings the right size, so you want the right tool for the job. Check our selection of Food and Kitchen Scales for high-quality, easy-to-use choices that can keep you on track. They are easy to use and come in increments of 1 gram for close monitoring of what you eat. Also look for features such as Bluetooth connectivity for easy synching to your iPhone or Android smartphone.

Portion Control Tools

Low-tech can still be highly useful, as you will see with our Portion Control Tools. Measuring spoons can be your best allies when cooking as well as when serving peanut butter or other condiments. Try portion control plates to help you get the right proportions of proteins, vegetables, starches, and more when serving yourself, and use shaker bottles to help you get enough protein and fluids.

Information is critical when you want results, and measurements are the information you need for weight loss. Our tools can help you measure the food you take in and your own body weight so you can stay motivated and right on top of your weight loss.


Body scalesFood scalesPortionPortion platesProductsScalesTips