Your Healthy Holiday Party

Your Healthy Holiday Party

Alex Brecher

Holiday parties can really do damage after weight loss surgery and when you’re losing weight. They almost always have some pretty unhealthy food that can throw you off. If you have more parties to attend in the remaining weeks of the holiday season, these tips can help you come out on top.

Be Picky and Sociable

When you’re picky, you choose only the very best foods and leave the rest behind. You can do this by taking your time. Look at all the offerings on the buffet table before making your choices. Load up on vegetables and protein such as shrimp, cheese, nuts, and chicken.

Then, if there is anything you must have, give yourself permission to have it – but only a bite. That way, you keep your calories in check without depriving yourself of your absolute favorites.

At the same time, aim to be the life of the party. It’s not polite to talk with your mouth full, so it’s a good strategy to talk so you aren’t eating.

Have “Emergency” Protein on Hand

What happens if there’s nothing for you to eat? What if you look around and see nothing but creamy dips, starchy sides, fatty meats, and sugary desserts?

Reach into your pocket or purse for your “emergency” protein – the protein you packed just in case this happened! You can carry a hard-boiled egg, lean jerky, protein bars, low-fat string cheese, or protein cookies – in short, any kind of finger food that’s high in protein and easy to stash.

Don’t Forget to Work Out

The party may involve extra calories, and it can get even worse. That’s because the party takes up extra time. That means you are less likely to get in your regular workout – making those extra calories even more destructive.

Make an effort to get in a workout on the day of the party, even if it is a short workout. A short walk can have many benefits. It burns a few calories. It also makes you more likely to make good decisions at the holiday party. Here are some reasons why.

-It reduces stress so you can focus more clearly on your healthy choices.

-It reminds you about your weight loss goals: how hard you have worked towards them and the progress you want to continue to see.

-It sets the stage for a “good” day and not a “bad” day of eating.

It takes some effort, but you can make healthier choices at holiday parties. The effort will be well worth it in terms of what you see on the scale and how good you feel about yourself. Plan ahead and keep remembering your motivations, and you can be proud this season.

HolidaysIdeasWeight loss tips