Ideal Protein Creditors Arrangement Act

The Upheaval in the Weight Loss World: A Deep Dive into Ideal Protein's Financial Crisis and Affordable Alternatives at BariatricPal

Alex Brecher


The weight loss industry is currently facing a significant upheaval, with Ideal Protein (IP) at the epicenter. If you've been relying on IP products, you're likely concerned about the company's recent financial struggles. This blog post aims to provide an in-depth look at the Ideal Protein crisis and introduce you to cost-effective Ideal Protein Alternatives available at BariatricPal.

The Financial Crisis of Ideal Protein: By the Numbers

Ideal Protein, based in Canada, has recently applied for protection under the Creditors Arrangement Act. The company is part of an insolvent holding group that also includes Laboratoires C.O.P. Inc., 9327-6269 Quebec Inc., Ideal Protein of America, Inc., and Pharmalab Inc. The initial order for this case was filed on August 15, 2023, under Court File Number 200-11-028737-230.

The Debt Details

According to trustee Martin Rosenthal of EY, Ideal Protein owes approximately $200 million. Of this amount, about $195 million is owed to lenders. The Bank of Montreal and Desjardins are the original members of a banking syndicate established in 2015 and have the largest sums at stake. Additionally, La Caisse de dépôt lent US$30 million in 2012, and Investissement Québec lent US$21 million in 2015. The Bank of China (Canada) also lent US$15 million in 2016.

The Impact on Ideal Protein Products

The closure of the Pharmalab factory has led to a shortage of IP products, including Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal, Chocolate Chip Pancakes, and Chocolate Shakes, leaving customers in search of alternatives.

BariatricPal: Your Ideal Protein Alternative

At BariatricPal, we offer a wide range of products that can serve as Ideal Protein Alternatives, but at nearly half the price. Not only do we provide cost-effective options, but we also offer a variety of thousands of other healthy products.

Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal

Our BariatricPal Hot Protein Breakfast - Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal is a delicious and affordable alternative.

Chocolate Chip Pancakes

Try our BariatricPal Hot Protein Breakfast - Chocolate Chip Pancake Mix as a cost-effective and equally tasty substitute for IP's Chocolate Chip Pancakes.

Chocolate Shakes

Our BariatricPal Protein Shake & Pudding - Chocolate offers the same great taste at a fraction of the cost.

Why Choose BariatricPal?

  1. Affordability: Our products are nearly half the price of Ideal Protein's offerings.
  2. Variety: In addition to Ideal Protein Alternatives, we offer thousands of other healthy products to support your weight loss journey.
  3. Quality: We are committed to providing high-quality products that meet your nutritional needs.


The upheaval in the weight loss world, particularly the financial crisis faced by Ideal Protein, has left many customers in a state of uncertainty. However, BariatricPal offers a range of affordable and high-quality Ideal Protein Alternatives to help you continue your weight loss journey without breaking the bank.

For more details on the Ideal Protein proceedings, you can visit the Monitor's web page.
