Smartcakes for Smart Weight Loss

Smartcakes for Smart Weight Loss

Alex Brecher

Admit it. How often have you gone to the fridge or pantry to search for that elusive, low-calorie dessert? A couple of times a week? Several times a day? That perfect item never seems to be there, but that can change now. Smartcakes are a dieter’s dream if you have a sweet tooth but cannot afford the calories and sugar that come in the sweets you crave.

Amazingly Low-Calorie Cupcake

Most types of packed snack cakes have about 200 to 400 calories per package, and most cakes have about 120 calories per ounce. Smartcakes have only a fraction of these calories. Each one has a miniscule 38 calories. The entire bag has 76 calories, and they have absolutely no sugar. What more is there to say besides, “Yes, please!”

Favorite Flavors

What kind of cake are you craving? Smartcakes come in these favorite flavors.

  • Chocolate: classic and satisfying.
  • Lemon Cream: with real lemon extract, and sweet-tart like a lemon bar
  • Raspberry Cream: sweet and tart, like juicy berries
  • Vanilla Latte: like the beverage but in a form you can devour without guilt
  • Cinnamon: spicy and with cinnamon and vanilla

Smart Ingredients

Their nutritional information and flavors may be unbelievable, but the ingredients of Smartcakes are nothing outlandish. Smartcakes are made from real ingredients such as eggs, pure vanilla, cocoa, cinnamon, real herbs and spices, and olive oil. They are gluten-free and sweetened with natural monk fruit.

Simple Servings

Smartcakes are like cupcakes in that they come in single-serving packages. There is no need to take a sliver of a whole cake and pray that you do not come back for seconds. Just open up and enjoy the entire package. You will still be at a reasonable number of calories.

Cake All Day

Start to finish, Smartcakes can be there for you all day. A couple of cakes instead of a high-fat, sugary breakfast pastry or muffin can be your breakfast on its own or with some fruit or a protein boost such as an egg or cottage cheese. Snacks and desserts are ready anytime, and if you need a quick lunch, you can always spread some peanut butter or cream cheese on a few Smartcakes.

Smartcakes are an example of those great discoveries that make you realize, “Yes, I can do this!” when it comes to weight loss. Try them all, and see how you can make Smartcakes work for your weight loss.
BreakfastChocolateDessertLemonLow-calorieProteinRaspberrySmartcakesWeight loss